Abramson Architects Offers Rapidly Implementable Ideas for the Post-Pandemic Workplace
As architects and designers, we are constantly adapting to transformations in environment, culture and technology and we pride ourselves in our ability to craft designs that endure these constant shifts. The changes we have seen over the two months, however, have been unlike anything we have ever experienced in both suddenness and scale.
While employees are just getting settled into the work from home environment thanks to widespread “stay-at-home” orders, the C-Suite and other leadership groups are tackling the delicate challenge of transitioning their staff back to the workplace. In the healthcare market, we realize there may be a serious case for discontinuing agile desk configurations due to the increased potential for disease transmission in these settings. Conversely, many of the creative offices and technology companies we partner with have expressed that they plan to leverage their remote working infrastructures while they seek more reliable long-term solutions for face-to-face connections. These companies typically had a 50-60% rate of remote working, even prior to the pandemic-driven requirements.
We in California are looking ahead to how this impacts the reopening of non-essential facilities and creative offices, such as architectural firms. As such, we wanted to share some of the ideas we have been discussing with our clients over the past few weeks. Most of the following suggestions can be implemented quickly and inexpensively to better prepare your offices, and employees, for their return to “Business as (UN)Usual”.
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