Lily Jumanan

Project Manager II
“Design details tell a story. Capturing moments requires a true understanding of a client's vision”


Lily's passion for design ignited at a young age. From crafting Barbie homes out of VHS tapes to expressing herself through drawing, her journey towards becoming an architect started with an innate love for creativity. While her building materials may be more sophisticated these days, Lily's design approach still revolves around understanding client needs and maximizing site potential.

At the core of Lily's appreciation for the design process is its collaborative nature. Balancing client expectations with the translation of design into functional and aesthetically pleasing spaces is a skill she has honed through thoughtful coordination and effective communication. She finds that working with diverse experts and embracing different perspectives enriches everyone’s experience, contributing to a more holistic and well-informed outcome.



A.A. in Liberal Arts & Sciences - Architectural Drafting
B.S. in Design –Architectural Studies, Arizona State University



Lily’s passion for art and travel is a driving force in her personal life. A deep dive into art history during college triggered a love for travel, leading her to study in Italy and Switzerland. Now, she plans global adventures to explore the art and architecture she's studied, capturing her experiences through photography.

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