A Multi-floor Metamorphosis
Having purchased 6500 Wilshire Boulevard in 2016, longtime tenants Cedars-Sinai began to reorganize offices throughout the 24-story structure. Part of this restructure included turning the separate 6th and 7th floors into a consolidated HR space. Abramson Architects was brought in to create a cohesive elegant design between the two floors. Through careful planning and consideration, construction was able to take place while keeping the departments unimpeded.

HR was split into two subdivisions separated between the 6th and 7th floor. A conjoining stairway was built to unite the entire department and allow both teams use of common areas. A fin divider built along the stairway gives the space a sense of openness while acting as an artificial divider between the two floors.

Solid colors and wood finish elevate the space with a rich and mature color palette. Assorted wall finishes throughout the space keep a consistent tone while giving each section its own identity.

An intersecting line design is used on the privacy film throughout the two floor space. The design carries through furniture and fixtures wherever possible, showing up in unique and unassuming areas.